General Revenue numbers

West Virginia’s General Revenue Fund numbers for July, the first month of Fiscal 2024, were up about 7% from estimates but over 12% down from July 2022.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WV News) — West Virginia’s General Revenue collections for July 2023, the first month of Fiscal Year 2024, came in $7.7 million above estimates, with total collections of $335 million.

But the boom in severance tax collections that has buoyed recent state revenue numbers took a summer holiday in July 2023. Severance tax collections last month were $3.76 million, or about $23.6 million below the estimate of $27.4 million, and about $50.8 million less than the $54.64 million collected in July 2022. That marked a drop of over 93% from the prior year’s receipts.

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